Sunday, August 8, 2010

Regular, non whiney blog :)

Colorado Adventures!:
After I worked on my update from yesterday, Grandma kicked me off of the computer and finished the bulletin for church. We played so Mexican train and then headed to the Rec Hall for BINGO!!!!

Charlie really wasn't feeling good at all, so our other friend, Jerry, called the numbers (seems like we have a lot of friends up here. There must be to many nice people :) Naw!) This time I played 5 cards! I know it sounds like to much, but it is a lot more fun that way, and the odds of you winning are a lot better. :) I would know because last night I won 10 bucks!!! I was very excited when Jerry called " O 66" Me: "BINGGGGGGOOO!!!!!!" After not winning the big pot (which was $50 even), me and Grandma (because Grandpa was to lazy to play with us) went home and went to bed. This morning Grandma and Grandpa let me sleep in late. It wasn't to late because we had to go to church early and help set up. Luckily, the dancers, last night set it up for us because they are so darn nice. :)
After singing and listening to Charlie's sermon, we went home and changed clothes and ate lunch. Now we are sitting outside and talking about stuff. Uncle Stan was so nice to let me use his laptop outside :) LOVE!! I'm not sure what else we are going to do today, but I will tell you about that tomorrow.
Lots of Love!


  1. Awe sounds like you had fun, I've never played bingo before but I just may try it. 10 dollars...thats a lot of money =) Haha. But you earned it =) Lots of love <3

  2. I can't believe you took all that money away from all those old ladies! LOL
    I think you just like the free popcorn.


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