Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This makes me a bit nervous...

I have recently joined the website Figment. Its a site where a writer can share their works and have it read and critiqued by other writers. It is enhabited mainly by teenagers, although there is the occational adult. I am really enjoying being a part of the website. Most of the people are amazing and nice, and I just feel at home when Im on Figment.
One feature on Figment, is linking your blog to your Figment 'profile'. I have earned a couple of new followers thanks to this, and it makes me really happy! But it also makes me kind of nervous. Now that my blog is being read by more people, more people can hate it. I realize that I am being extremely negative, but it's true.
The majority of my followers are family, and thats the way it's been for the entire time that I have been doing it. I know that my family doesnt judge me on what I write on my blog, but people who have only ever met me on the internet, will judge me according to what I write. This may be a reason why I havent written for a long time.
If you are a Figmenter reading this, then welcome!! And I am really glad that you are reading it!! Go ahead and hit the follow button if you like ;)

I just had to get that bit off of my chest.

Con Mucho Amor,
Krystal :)

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