Although I love Mother's Day. There is no way I would be able to fill a whole blog with Mother's day things. I am just not that creative. So I would just like to tell you about my past week.
The excitement started on Thursday when we found out that my cousin, Alex, was coming home from the war. He had been in San Diego for a couple of weeks before coming home, and it was time. All day my father was telling me that we might go welcome him home, but his plan was suppose to land late at night. Before picking him up, the whole family went to a restaurant to chill. Alex called us and said that his plane was delayed 40 minute. That would mean he would be here at 1015.
My dads responce: Krystal you cant go. Its too late, and you have to go to school tomorrow.
Dangit!!! So we went home and I got in the shower. When I got out my mom told me "Its not too late to ask your dad to see Alex"
I asked my dad again. And he told me to get dressed to see him!!!! YAY I got to greet my cousin home!!! It was so good seeing him again and I am so glad that I got to see him.
That was the excitement for my week.
Con Mucho Amor :)
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