Saturday, August 14, 2010

Longest blog in the history of Phototakengirl's blogs!!!!

It has been a week since I updated you guys. And it doesn't help that I was super busy the whole time so this might as well be the longest blog I have ever written. Well, lets get started:

Colorado Adventures (Sunday to Saturday)

After I finished my last blog on Sunday evening, we sat around and talked, and headed to bed. Monday is Laundry Day!!! We went to town to do our laundry and then went to Wal-mart trying to find my yarn, but they don't have my color :(. Then we went to Albertson's so we could stock our refrigerator. On the way home we stopped at the propane place to pay a bill and then finally headed home. We came home and played some cards while working on our potluck meal. We made this Mexican sauce and a casserole that kind of went together. We went to potluck half and hour to early, so we sat around and waited. When they called table numbers we were 2nd :D. That almost never happens. Then we came home, played some more cards, and went to bed.
Tuesday, there was a craft show at Blue Spruce RV Park (its up the rode about 15 miles). Grandma and I went but didn't find anything we wanted. When we got home, we noticed that James (yet another friend) was giving some stuff away. You see, he just moved in to his place and he was cleaning it out and making it more 'him'. We didn't see anything there either, but there was some nice shelves and things. We don't have a use of room for them though. Then I got on the computer and played around. I should have written a blog then, but I thought I would do it later; Ill never say that again (hopefully). We went to see Despicable Me and it was seriously cute. I liked it, but my Grandparents just said it was a stupid, animated, kids movie. >:(. We got home and Aunt Shirley taught me how to make a scarf with that special 'eyelash' yarn. Ive been working on it on and off for the rest of the week but I still haven't finished. Then right before the Jam session, we went over to Connie and Jerry's (friends) to have a Biscuit rap. Now I don't blame you if you don't know what that is. I didn't either until Tuesday. You take a biscuit and rap it around this special stick, and stick it in the fire until it cooked.
Btw I'm sorry about the poor quality of the Biscuit rap and Jam session pictures :( I forgot to change the setting before I started taking pictures, but I still wanted to show them to you.   
Once you biscuit is done cooking, you slide it off the stick with a napkin. 
And then stuff a barbecue weenie in it.
Time to nom nom nom your biscuit!
After that we went to Jam session. If you don't know what that is: A bunch of talented musicians get together and play our favorite songs. In the beginning there was only one person because everyone was at the biscuit rap still (again I'm sorry about the poor picture quality). Then Fran and Mike came and started Jamming with Doug.

That was defiantly fun. During this Belva and Henry (my 3rd cousins) got back from Kansas. And then the night was over and we put our beds to work.

For some reason it wont let me align this to the left so I guess center works.
Wednesday, we woke up and Grandma played with the bulletins on the computer. I was super tired for some reason :( and then we ate...Those are the only notes I have for Wednesday, so I guess it wasn't that exciting. (YA it aligned right now!!) Thursday was so much fun!!!!! We went on a jeeping trip! And I took SO many pictures. There are too many pictures for a blog and it would take me over an hour to get them all on here but Im putting them on my Facebook so if you are friends with me then you can look at them there..
Friday we saw The Expendables.......honestly...dint see it. DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!! SOOOO BORING!!! HORRIBLY FAKE AND STUPID!! Sorry but it was very stupid. We got home and played a half of a game of Train with Belva, Shirley, Grandma, and me.
Now on Saturday I slept in until 8 o' clock and I haven't even taken a shower yet. Well today is my last day here and I go home tomorrow unfortunatly. Then Monday I go to school. :( I tell you about my last day tomorrow morning.
Lots of Love!

(My signature isnt working...Ill figure it out and put it in the next one)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Regular, non whiney blog :)

Colorado Adventures!:
After I worked on my update from yesterday, Grandma kicked me off of the computer and finished the bulletin for church. We played so Mexican train and then headed to the Rec Hall for BINGO!!!!

Charlie really wasn't feeling good at all, so our other friend, Jerry, called the numbers (seems like we have a lot of friends up here. There must be to many nice people :) Naw!) This time I played 5 cards! I know it sounds like to much, but it is a lot more fun that way, and the odds of you winning are a lot better. :) I would know because last night I won 10 bucks!!! I was very excited when Jerry called " O 66" Me: "BINGGGGGGOOO!!!!!!" After not winning the big pot (which was $50 even), me and Grandma (because Grandpa was to lazy to play with us) went home and went to bed. This morning Grandma and Grandpa let me sleep in late. It wasn't to late because we had to go to church early and help set up. Luckily, the dancers, last night set it up for us because they are so darn nice. :)
After singing and listening to Charlie's sermon, we went home and changed clothes and ate lunch. Now we are sitting outside and talking about stuff. Uncle Stan was so nice to let me use his laptop outside :) LOVE!! I'm not sure what else we are going to do today, but I will tell you about that tomorrow.
Lots of Love!

Popular? And Friend Recognition.

Why is it that so many things end up being popular. Blogging, vlogging, texting, et cetera et cetera. And then the people who are a part of that network end up getting popular, along with it. I have no problem with this, of course, because that is the way social networks and things like this work. In so many popular blogs that I read or Vloggs that I watch the people say "I didn't mean to get popular. It just sorta happened." Although, in the beginning, I'm sure that was true, they were just writing because the were bored or because they had nothing better to do, but in the end, we all strive to be popular or have an audience. Even I, sometimes, think 'What can I write about that people will want to read' or 'How do I get more people to read my blog'. That is why I have knew things like my 'Book Thingamajig'. Often times I will write an entire blog and delete it because 'It wasn't good enough' or 'it was stupid'. But that is stopping right now!! Many 'popular' people say to just be yourself, and although I strive to do that; I feel like I am not myself on here. I am a fake version of the Krystal many of you know and (I hope) love. If my following likes my work and my writing, they will tell their friends and soon enough I wont be on the sidelines or even away from the game, I will be in it.
I guess the reason I write this is because school and life, in general, has been hard to me. As many of you know, I am changing schools this year, and I am not very good at making friends. It doesn't help that most of my old friends are abandoning me, and leaving me to deal with the new school drama on my own. I start school in a week and the reality of it just hit me. But speaking of friends, I want to thank some people for still being there for me:
You all!:






Of course my family (some included above),
and the friends that have stuck to me:



and A (I don't have a name for her, so Ill call her A)

Along with a couple others.  These people have been there for ever since we first began to be friends. And even if they don't read this, they deserve to be recognized. Any who I will make a separate regular blog.

That picture (below) has nothing to do with anything but its funny :)
I truly appreciate you,

Saturday, August 7, 2010


If you aren't one of my readers: Skip this first part:
Book Thingamajig:
PC Cast and Kristen Cast
Ch 1-10

Warning: Do not read unless 1) you have already read this section of the book or 2) you have no plans of reading the book. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

The fact that Stevie Rae is back is still kinda growing on me. I know that she was to much a part of the book to just die like she did, but its still a bit weird. As for the friends being friends again issue, I knew it. There was no way that they could have made so many more books without Zoey's friends. When the High Priestess of all High Priestesses came, I was not expecting anything like what happened. I though Neferet would put on an even faker identity that she had been, and that she would be totally respectful. The High Priestess should kick her butt! :)
We'll see what happens I guess.

Colorado Adventures!!

Yesterday morning, we all slept in. Meaning that we woke up at like 8 o' clock.....Meh! Either way, we went for a late walk on the dam after breakfast and fully waking up :). We worked on making an Elk Stew Casserole, played a couple games of cards. At 2ish we went to the card room and learned how to play Mexican Train. Another very fun game!! Although it, also, takes forever to play!! Then we came home and ate leftovers for dinner, when Aunt Shirley, Uncle Stan, Aunt Pat, and Uncle Gene came back from Farmington. After some friendly conversation I was talking about Shania (dog) and Grandma and Grandpa said that they wouldn't mind if Shania just stayed one day. I called my dad and asked him if he would mind bringing her up here when he came up. I even said that I would wash his car EVERY weekend for a month. But he said he would think about it, so I need to drop it and just let him decide. If there is only one thing that Ive learned in my life, it that when you ask something and the person says 'Ill think about it' it means shut up so I can decide and if you say more about it the answer is no! But that might just be my house. I don't know.
This morning we woke up and got ready to head to breakfast. At least once a month the park hosts a Country Breakfast, that we attended this morning. The food was super good! As we were being served we asked Sandy how Charlie was. She said that there was no way he was gunna sing in church. Therefore we needed to pick a hyme for the choir to sing instead of the Duet. Then I came home to update y'all on my Adventure :).
I hope you enjoying this as much as I am,

Friday, August 6, 2010

Some changes:

Colorado Adventures:
Yesterday we woke up and got ready to go to town. While waiting for Grandpa to get ready, and for time to pass, I blogged and played on the computer :). After awhile of that fun stuff we went to the movie. Dinner for Schmucks is so funny!!!! Another must see in my opinion! The only bad part of the movie, was the (about) 6 year old sitting behind us. All I have to say is that there is a reason they rated that movie PG 13. She didn't get it. At all. And she talked, practically, the whole time. Meh!
After our lunch of popcorn, we went to Albertson's and did some quicky shopping, and headed home. I painted my fingernails pink :) then we went to Charlie and Sandy's place to see if Charlie was ready to practice the song they are going to sing at Church. His voice has been going haywire so we're not quite sure if they are going to sing yet :/.
We went home and ate a snack, played some cards, and went to bed, when I finished my book.
I'm making some changes to the Book Thingamajig. 1) Ive been spelling "Thingamajig" wrong :/. 2) I'm only going to do an overview of the books when they are book reports so that it will help me with my report. 3) I am going to only do my thoughts on what happened in the part I read, when it is a pleasure reading book.

Book Thingamajig:
17-The End

Warning: Do not read unless 1) you have already read this section of the book or 2) you have no plans of reading the book. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

No spoilers this time :), because I'm only going to say what I thought about it. Chosen was a super good book!! The suspense and thrill of each chapter held my nose to the book. I only save books/series' that I really like, and this series is getting a special spot on my shelf.
I though that I left my Untamed book at home and that I would have to wait till I left to be able to read it, but when I was putting away my Chosen book I saw a glimpse of Untamed and pulled it out, just to find out that I didn't forget it!!!!! I am a very happy girl!

Up Next:
Untamed (Book 4 of House of Night series)
PC Cast and Kristen Cast.

PS How do you guys like the signature...I couldn't decide on a color so I used this one just because. I really want your input on what color it should be. If I get a lot of suggestions I might make a poll on the side ---->

Thursday, August 5, 2010

An extra day!!!!

I'm very sorry that I didn't blogg about my adventure yesterday :( I was very bored and I don't like to blogg when I'm too bored because then my blogg gets boring. Any who....
We went to Wal mart and returned some things, and then got some candy for the movie :). Then we went to the Theater and saw Charlie St Cloud. It was very very good, but it is defiantly a chick flick :) The weird thing about that theater is: instead of showing previews before the movie, they play music...its a bit annoying. After that we came home and ate some soup. Yum Yum. The popcorn wasn't a good enough lunch for me. Then we went outside and played a game called Phase 10 (google it. You have to have special cards though :( But it is super fun!!). That game takes forever to finish!!!! Grandma won in the end and we all went to bed.
The next day, we got up early to walk across the dam. Belva and Henry left the day before so it was just Grandma, Grandpa, and I (correct grammar :)). We came home, got ready, and fixed the chili so that it could cook till lunch. I worked on my crocheting while Grandma worked on the church bulletin. We went outside and had the chili and the last couple of pieces of pie. Next, for dinner, we had Aunt Pats spaghetti :).
I got home and called Momma and Daddy and asked if I could stay one more day, because the day that I was supposed to leave, is Ice Cream Social day, and Grandpa is making his famous butter pecan ice cream :D. Daddy said that, all along, the plan was: He come up here on Saturday and leave Sunday. So I get an extra day!!!!!!

I still don't have enough chapters read to do a Book Thingamajig. So catch up to chapter 21 and Ill do it tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Playing.

I was just playing with my grandparents camera thing. Most of these I didnt even take. I was just playing around :)


Hey bloggy buds :)
It seems like every time I blog, these days, I'm eating :/. Yesterday was soup, today is peach delight (although I thinks its more like a pudding thing) with granola. What will tomorrow be?
I haven't taken any more pictures, because, honestly, there is nothing up here that is photo worthy. :/ I'm cold because grandpa turned of the heat and he turned on this fan that blows right on the comp seat. >:( That probably sounds a bit strange to my friends back home :), but I'm in Colorado and it gets cold here. And that brings me tooooooo:
Colorado Adventures!!!!!!:
Yesterday, after I left you guys, I passed the time by editing my blogg background, and eating (sounds like me, huh?). When my Grand rents got home I help put up the groceries and then I made the peach delight thing for potluck. The only difference from then is, it didn't have granola in it. Then we went outside and taught Mark how to play Nominations (it a card game, a variation of OH Hell). After a half of a game, we helped Aunt Shirley peel and slice potatoes for potluck. Not to long after that we ran off to potluck to get a good table. The reason you have to get a good table is because each table has a number on it. They put all the numbers in a bowl and pull them out randomly. They first number called is the table that gets to go first, if that made any since? Today must have been our lucky day because (although we didn't get 1st) we got 2ND!!!! :) After stuffing ourselves up to our chins we come back to the RV and put stuff away. I grabbed my coin purse and an Arnold Palmer, then ran to Nominations. We played two games: the first one I lost 45 cents (i cant find the cent sign on the keyboard :/) to Belva. But the second game me and Charlie (another friend that lives here during the summer) tied, and split the money. We got 90 cents each :). I got back home, but Grandma and Grandpa were already asleep. I woke them up so they knew I was home and went to bed. This morning I woke up kinda late, ate breakfast, and then got all ready. Later, we are going to see Charlie St. Cloud :) ya!
Sorry, book thingamajig today because I only read 2 chapters :(. So If you haven't read at all catch up to chapter 19. Then I might read 2-5 more chapters before I do a Thingamajig :).


Monday, August 2, 2010

More Colorado adventures!!!

My adventures continue!!!!
Yesterday afternoon, after making pie, we finished watching the strange movie and then went outside to help Uncle Stan make jalapeno poppers :). After de-gutting, stuffing, and cooking them, I must say that they turned out pretty darn well. In the meantime, Uncle Gene and Aunt Pat arrived with there son, Mark, and grandson, Cade, in tow. We had a good time eating poppers, chicken, and pie with a couple friends, Mark, and Cade. The adults drank wine and margaritas, but didn't leave any plain margarita mix for me :(. So I  stuck with my Arnold Palmer :). It began raining, so the women retreated to the warmth of their RV's, while the men sat around looking at maps. Not to long after that they ran to the RV's and went to bed. I finished watching a TV program when it started raining really hard. I couldn't get to sleep, so I read until my eyelids got too heavy. This morning me and Belva went for a walk across the dam at 6. When I got back Grandma and Grandpa were getting ready to go to town for laundry, and they left me here. I read for about an hour and now I am a seriously bored girl because Shmuel wont text me because she have vollyball :(.
I figure I can start the Book Thingamagig today:

Book Thingamagig:
(Third Book)
By PC Cast and Kristen Cast
Ch. 1-17

Warning: Do not read unless 1) you have already read this section of the book or 2) you have no plans of reading the book. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

First I am going to do an Intro to this because I just started. I am going to review what I read, and then talk a little about what I think about these chapters. At the end of the book I will say what I thought about the book and what book will be coming next (if I know that). This is for the readers in my group and, of course, you don't have to read it if 1) this isn't your type of book 2) you don't like book reviews 3) or if you just plain don't want to read it. Yet for those of you who like this and would like to read along with me, I would love to have you and your comments on the book. :)

The first couple of chapters are just setting up the characters, which I am not going to explain because this is not spark notes or anything. This is just me going over the book and talking about it.
Zoey is having some problems where she has to save her undead friend, Stevie Rae from being killed by the powerful High Priestess: Neferet, while juggling three boyfriends: Heath, the human boy who Zoey Imprinted; Erik, the totally hot, popular fledgling at the House of Night; and Loren, who is a part time professor who believes that Zoey is special and that certain rules don't apply to her. After Aphrodite has a vision that Neferet is going to pull Stevie Rae into the sunlight and she will burst into flames, their plan is to get Stevie Rae in Aphrodite's 'garage apartment', where Neferet cant find her. After getting the reluctant Stevie Rae in the house, washed up, and fed, Aphrodite and Zoey head back to the school. When Aphrodite heads in she finds Prof Nolan had been crucified with her head cut off. The note on the body suggests that the People of Faith have something to do with this. Which also means Zoey's step-loser (as she calls him) must also be involved. When she calls and asks her mom about this, she suspects that her mom is lieing, when she says he was home all night. Because of the incident with Nolan, the warriors are all around the school making it almost impossible to get in...or out. Luckily, Aphrodite has a way to get out, PLUS she emptied the kitchen's supply of blood for Zoey. Zoey plans to sneak out and somehow 'break up' or break the bond with Heath and drop by Stevie Rea with the blood.

My thoughts: I think that Stevie Rae may not be there when she goes by and Heath is going to cut him self practically forcing Zoey to drink his blood like in the last book. But so far this book is very good. I suggest reading the other 2 books (Marked and Betrayed) before this because 1) it gives you a good base that this book works on and 2) because they are really good :).
I will check in tomorrow with the next few chapters and hopefully another blogg about my adventures,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

First photography bloggy blogg :)

Although I haven't bought my camera yet I have some pictures that I took on my little digital, that I would like to show you :)   :    This is the place that I'm staying at :)
The trees are beautiful huh?
the side yard :)
mmmmm breakfast (two above)

humming birds :)
puddles (above and below)

Regular bloggy blogg:

Hello my bloggy buds,
I said I would write a normal blog yesterday afternoon, but I couldn't because it was raining so hard that I couldn't get on the computer :( I was actually writing (which is odd because I'm a typer not a writer) a draft of this last night, so that I could have all my ideas down before I forgot them :).
Any who I went to register for school a few days ago. All went well until we went to see the nurse. But before I can tell you what happen you have to understand how crowded it was, and how very very very unorganized it was!!!!!!!! The first thing you were supposed to do was see the nurse, but all the helpers told us to just go on past it and come back to the nurse later. When we went to get my ID card they told everyone in the room that we should have gone to see the nurse before, but it was okey and they would let us go by anyway. So I got my schedule and ID card and paid for everything including: Yearbook, Hall Locker, PE Locker etc. When we went back to see the nurse she said that they didn't have my shot records. Meaning that I wouldn't be aloud to go to school unless they had it that exact day........ keep in mind that me and my daddy went in about a month ago and dropped on my shot records along with my birth certificate etc. So you can only imagine the surprise on my face when she said that, and I saw the lady take the records copy them and file them when I was there earlier!!!!! So the nurse told us to go into a little office and see if they had it in there, or else we would have to go down to the doctor and get them ourselves. Which would take a good hour or so. All the way there my mom and I are panicking because it was hard for mom to get this time off, and if she had to take more off she would catch crap. Sure enough, we were aloud to go to the front of the line. The lady took out my little file and looky! There is was, third page down!!! She made a copy for us to take down to the nurse (What a nice lady, unlike that nurse!!). The nurse took the paper and entered into the computer and let us be one our way :) It was about time!!!
Then comes to my trip up to Colorado! :) What a fun time Ive been having!!!
After registration and all the crud, I did some last minute packing and my grandparents came to pick me and my stuff up. We went to there house and I packed my stuff up in one of their suitcases and headed of to!!!!!!!! Of course, I didn't get to bed until 9 :) I just sat in bed and read; I finished the book Betrayed by PC Cast and Kristen Cast (House of Night series is super good. I should do a little book club  thingy :)) Yay! The next morning we woke up at 4 o' clock! And headed out. Of course, I slept the majority of the trip up here, but it took about 12 hours including stops for fuel, eating, caching, etc. which honestly doesn't seem that long...after the fact :). We got here safely and settled in. BEDTIME :) The next day we went to town (about an hour away from were we are) and got groceries since the fridge was about empty. We got some bottles of Arizona: Arnold Paulmer Half Iced Tea Half Lemonade. It is def the bestest!!! After that we went to our friends place and had Cajun Gumbo :) YUMMY YUMM!! Everyone seemed to be surprised that I had two bowl fulls, but I love Gumbo. Always have :) Gumbo makes you very tired apparently so we went to bed. The next morning we got up super early and walked over the dam before it got light out. We came home and got ready, had leftovers and a big salad. Grandma was experimenting with recipes and made some weird yogurt cottage cheese crap and force fed us :P Me and Grandma went to choir practice. Which surprisingly, is super fun :) (darn grandma is gunna read this and see that I'm actually enjoying that........JUST KIDDING I hate it its horrible I might as well die:)...just kidding) Then a couple hours later we went to bingo :) Grandma won a Bingo but she had to split it with someone and Henry won some and he actually one 2 games meaning that he got the pig :) haha. The big pot was $65!! But he didn't win that one :( Today we went to church and Grandma and I sang with the choir :). We took communion, and then rushed home to start the Italian Wedding Soup...NOM NOM NOM sooooooooooooo yummy. I just got done making Peanut Butter Pie for Uncle Gene's Birthday (Happy Birthday Uncle!!!), so now they are in the fridge cooling off.
Grandpa is watching some weird movie while doing dishes and I need to figure something out to do after I'm finished with this. Maybe Ill ask Shmuel (by way of text) what I should do.
Well all I know is tomorrow I'm going to start the book thingamagig (I think we will call it that) and be bored hahahha
Okey ttyl,